Investigations Find That Samsung Is Far From Goal of Model Labor Treatment (chitwing)

Egregious violations at factory (5.000 workers) manufacturing cell phone covers: workers consistently working over 220 hours of overtime for the past few months (six times the 36 hour overtime legal limit); minimum daily factory stay is 12 hours; 14-15 hour work days; some work for 16 hours/day; base salary (1100 RMB -$176); workers dependent on overtime to make a living-wage; 200 student workers in the summer.


Kong Tai Shoes Mfg. Co., Ltd

Very low wages, 15.5 hours work/day, 30 days/month in peak season, 13.5 hour work per day under normal conditions, use of toxic substances without protective equipment, workers trained to lie when inspected by auditors.

Xin Qiao Electronics

16.5 hours work a day during peak seasons for workers, all standing, 30 days/month. 15.5 hours of work under normal conditions. Extremely low wages. Heavy workload. Humiliating and abusive management.