Apple’s Unkept Promises: Investigation of Three Pegatron Group Factories Supplying to Apple (RiTeng)

Labor violations at factory producing exterior components for computers: hiring discrimination over gender and age (below 35 years old); inadequate training; work 7 days/week during peak season (126 hours of monthly overtime); 14 hour monthly unpaid overtime; 12 hour daily shifts; more if daily quota isn’t met; coerced overtime; work while standing for some workers; inadequate fire protection; 40 confirmed student workers (16 – 18 years old); base salary inadequate to cover basic needs ($233 month) ($1.34 per hour); workers dependent on overtime; workers trained by management during audit visits; wastewater poured into the sewage system.

Samsung’s sub-standard labour practices in India

Interviews underline labor concerns at Samsung facility (~2, 500 workers) manufacturing air-conditions and refrigerators: salaries not enough to meet monthly expenses and to provide for their families; monthly wages between Rs 6,200 – Rs 12,000 ($92 – $178); hiring of contract workers/apprentices for the same work, but lower pay; 10-11 hour daily shifts during high season, 6-7 days/week; cases of unpaid overtime wage; compulsory overtime; workers victimised, dismissed, or put under pressure to resign, if they attempt to unionise.

The Myanmar Dilemma (factory 8)

Labor concerns at garment factory (300 workers): non-living wages; daily base wage 3,600 kyat (€2.71); regular work 60 -68 hours/week; unpaid overtime if production target isn’t met; child labor (16-18 years of age); workers do not receive any health and safety training; protective gear provided only when buyers visit the factory; high temperatures; most workers don’t have a social security card; workers afraid of dismissal if they join a trade union.

The Myanmar Dilemma (factory 7)

Labor violations at garment factory (800 workers): non-living wages; daily base wage 1,800-3,600 kyat (€1.36 – €2.71); occasions of workers toiling for as low as half the legal minimum wage; 4 hours weekly unpaid overtime; child labor (16-18 years of age).

The Myanmar Dilemma (factory 3)

Labor violations at garment factory (1,300 workers): non-living wages; daily base wage 2,700-3,600 kyat (€2.03 – €2.71); occasions of workers toiling for less than legal minimum wage; unpaid overtime if production target isn’t met; cases of child labor (16-18 years of age); workers working less than a year are not provided with social security; workers afraid to join a union.

Apple’s Unkept Promises: Investigation of Three Pegatron Group Factories Supplying to Apple (Avy)

Labor violations at factory (3,000 employees) manufacturing exterior computer parts: forced labor; ID’s withheld for 3-14 days preventing workers from leaving the factory; hiring discrimination over age groups (above 35 years old) and workers with tattoos; discrimination against pregnant women;  insufficient training procedure; 12 hour daily shifts (~136 hours monthly overtime); work 20- 31  days month; unpaid 14 hours of monthly overtime; mandatory overtime; base wage cannot meet basic needs ($240.95); workers rely on overtime; 80% of employees work while standing; factory disposes cutting solution to sewage system; chemical hazard; injuries; dispatch workers don’t recieve social insurance; worker harassement and scolding if quota isn’t met.

Beyond Foxconn:Deplorable Working Conditions Characterize Apple’s Entire Supply Chain (Ri Teng)

Labor issues at (3) factory plants (~20,000 workers) specializing in producing cases for consumer electronic equipment: 11-12 hour daily shifts, 6 days/week on average; work 7 days/week during peak production (as many as 31 days/month); workers may not have a day off for months at a time; work may reach as many as 18 hours/day; verbally abusive management; dangerous working environment; very poor quality safety equipment, factory switches to better only during customer visit or audit; hundreds student workers aged as low as 16 year old; workers have to take overtime in order to make ends meet (base salary 1,280 RMB ≈$203).



Acer – CSR company overview (Shenzhen Yonghong)

Labor violations at electronics manufacturer: over 200 children workers hired under the age of 16; required to work 1.5 hours daily without pay; normal work 13 hours/day for 30 days (390 hours/month); more than 400 hours/month during peak seasons, 60 of those without pay; no gloves, masks and proper ergonomics in workplace; hand, eye and other bodily injuries.