An Investigation of Eight Samsung Factories in China (Samsung 6)

Report uncovers legal violations and labor abuses in 6 Samsung factories producing electronics: exhaustive working conditions; factory reaching 186 hours/month during peak season; work well over 100 hours of overtime/month in 5 factories; in all factories overtime surpasses the legal limit (36 hours/month); hiring of child workers in 3 factories; 11-12 hour shifts.

Investigations Find That Samsung Is Far From Goal of Model Labor Treatment (chitwing)

Egregious violations at factory (5.000 workers) manufacturing cell phone covers: workers consistently working over 220 hours of overtime for the past few months (six times the 36 hour overtime legal limit); minimum daily factory stay is 12 hours; 14-15 hour work days; some work for 16 hours/day; base salary (1100 RMB -$176); workers dependent on overtime to make a living-wage; 200 student workers in the summer.


Kingmaker Footwear (Timberland made in China)

Harsh working conditions at factory producing clothes and footwear: verbal harassment, physical abuse, 13.5 hours in the factory (11 work hours), child laborers of 14 to 16 years old, 16 workers sleep in one room.

Samsung’s Supplier Factory Exploiting Child Labor

Violations at factory (2.000 employees) producing mobile phones, mp3s, DVDs, etc:Research indicates student workers amount to 80% of the factory workforce; approximately 50-100 children working; youngest worker spotted was 14 years old; low wages for children, 70% less than formal employees; discrimination based on sex and age; 11 hours daily work shifts (including 3-5 hours of forced overtime).

Beyond Foxconn:Deplorable Working Conditions Characterize Apple’s Entire Supply Chain (Pegatron)

Labor violations at factory (~5,000 workers) producing parts for consumer electronics: age discrimination upon hiring (16 – 35 years old); use of chlid labor (as low as 16); 12 hour daily shifts; workers have one day  off/month during off season; during peak season they have 1 day off every two months (143 – 154 hours monthly overtime); 24 hour shift when workers switch from morning to evening shift; local minimum wage pay; overtime required to cover living costs; overall average wage 3,000 RMB (≈$476); verbally abusive managers; poor air quality and toxic chemical exposure; reported injury burns.

Dongguan Elegant Top Shoes Co., Ltd (2)

Factory making shoes has female workers under 16, some of them are sexually harassed. Small dorm rooms are packed with eight workers. Workers stay in the factory for 13.2 hours/day, with hourly pay is as low as 24 cents U.S.