China Labor Watch – 20/11/2015

“A contracted toy company producing for McDonald’s employed 400 child workers, who were required to work 16 hours per day and paid 1.5 yuan per hour. The youngest worker was only 14 years old.”

Wal-Mart and Disney Toys from Hell

Work hours reaching 15,5 hours not including the two meal breaks, 6 ½ hours of overtime daily, 7 days/week at peak seasons, and Lack of fire protection. “It’s very unsafe. If there was an emergency, people could not get out!”

Corruption and Greed: Alianza Fashion Sweatshop in Guatemala

For 12 years, Alianza robbed workers of over $6 million in wages and benefits, changed it’s legal name 4 times, and defrauded the  Guatemalan Social Security Institute (including the workers’ pension accounts) of over $4.7 million. Alianza sold garments to brands who then profited by 415% and 550% mark-ups.

Exhaustion Has No Limit at Apple Supplier in China

Incidents of over 100 security guards harassing and beatings at factory (15,000 workers). Workers toil for 64 to 72 hours/week; with low wages; workers are numb and exhausted. “We are just machines” – Zhen Ding Tech worker

A Race to the Bottom: Trans-Pacific Partnership and Nike in Vietnam

67 Vietnamese factories, supplying Nike with footwear and clothing, allegedly pay workers 48 to 69 cents/hour. While the “average customs value of the Nike sneakers is just $5.27 per pair”, Nike shoes “sell in the U.S. from $60 to $120 to well past $200”


Two Years of Broken Promises

Two investigations throughout 2013-2014 find labor violations at factory (20,000 workers) including: excessive overtime nearly 100 hours/month, hazardous waste poured into a nearby river, unsafe working environment. Catcher workers have “suffered skin and eye irritation, and are at risk for more serious health problems” making tablet computers, smartphones and laptops.