Transparency pressures force Shell to reveal high greenhouse gas levels in Nigeria – 15.5m, 22.5m and 22m tonnes in 2002, 2001 and 2000 respectively.
Incident Tag: Climate Change
ExxonMobil continuing to fund climate sceptic groups, records show
Company records show handing over hundreds of thousands of pounds to climate change denial lobby groups, despite public pledge to cut such support.
Sinopec Guangzhou Receives Warning For Pollution
Red sign warning issued by Guangdong Provincial Environment Bureau due to excessive emissions/serious environmental pollution accidents – company placed under strict supervision.
Contempt case for Shell over gas
Gas flaring continues, despite Nigerian Federal Court orders to halt.
Shell ordered to stop flaring off excess gas
Court in Lagos orders Shell to stop gas flaring practices.
The Oil & Gas Bank RBS & the financing of climate change
RBS criticized by environmental groups over financing heavily on carbon emitting oil & gas projects furthering climate change.
Another deadline goes up in flames
Shell still using gas flaring in the Niger Delta – strong greenhouse gas contributions, causing acid rain and ground water contamination.
Shell comes under fire for role in Sakhalin audit
US government releases emails of Shell officials downplaying the significance of Russian environmental audit of Shakhalin II energy project by persuading the Atomic Energy Authority to disperse the findings through the report to receive vital bank funding. The project’s environmental projection is dire; 1.6m tonnes of carbon dioxide; threat to endangered species and other wildlife.
***Cree aboriginal group to join London climate camp protest over tar sands [Add Tag???]
Cree aboriginals protest over tar sand project – destroying ancient boreal forest; spreading open-pit mining across local tribes’ territories; contaminating their food and water with toxins; producing heavy CO2 emissions; disrupting local wildlife and threatening their way of life.
Canadian protest over RBS oil sands role
RBS accused of investing £1.3 billion – following a £5.6 billion prior investment – in environmentally damaging oil project of tar sands in Canada, also devastating ancestral lands of First Nation tribes.