Date | Company | Accusation | City / Area / Country | Source | Tags | Media |
30/04/2012 - 01/01/2012 | United Win Technology Limited (Part Of Wintek Corporation) | Accusations over labor abuses at factory (18,000 - 20,000 workers) manufacturing electronics parts: age discrimination upon hiring (16 - 30 years old); use of student labor (as low as 16); verbally abusive management. | Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China | China Labor Watch | Abusive Management, Child Labor, Discrimination | |
23/02/2011 | United Win Technology Limited (Subsidiary of Wintek Corporation) | 137 workers poisoned following exposure to n-hexane, a chemical used to clean mobile screens, Apple acknowledges. Other sources claim higher worker number. Workers hospitalized. Symptoms included nervous damage, muscular weakness or atrophy, paralysis, dizziness and others. Incidents begun mid-July 2009. | Suzhou, Jiangsu, China | BBC, Wikileaks, The Guardian | Injuries & Diseases, Occupational Hazard | |
31/10/2010 - 01/10/2010 | United Win Technology Limited (Subsidiary of Wintek Corporation) | Labor concerns on factory (18.000 -20.000 people) manufacturing ITO conductive glass; 10 hour daily work shifts (12 hours overall factory stay); occupational hazard concerning use of chemical n-hexane. | Suzhou, Jiangsu, China | China Labor Watch | Excessive Work Hours, Injuries & Diseases, Occupational Hazard |