Ruijie Networks

Date Company Accusation City / Area / Country Source Tags Media
01/02/2007Shenzhen Yonghong
(Supplier Of Ruijie Networks)
Labor violations at electronics manufacturer: over 200 children workers hired under the age of 16; required to work 1.5 hours daily without pay; normal work 13 hours/day for 30 days (390 hours/month); more than 400 hours/month during peak seasons, 60 of those without pay; no gloves, masks and proper ergonomics in workplace; hand, eye and other bodily injuries.Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaSOMOExcessive Work Hours, Forced Overtime, Injuries & Diseases, Non-Living Wage, Occupational Hazard, Unpaid Insurance, Unpaid Overtime, Unpaid Wages

(Suppliers Of Ruijie Networks)
An investigation of 13 Shenzhen electronics factories producing components for many well-known brand names found widespread labour abuses.Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaBusiness & Human Rights Resource CenterChild Labor, Discrimination, Excessive Work Hours, Non-Living Wage, Occupational Hazard, Unpaid Overtime