Quanta Computer

Date Company Accusation City / Area / Country Source Tags Media
Quanta ComputerInvestigation reveals 15 sets of labor violations at electronics factory; more than $1.8 million in monthly unpaid overtime; 12-hour daily shifts, 6-7 days/week; mandatory overtime; hours more than two times in excess of statutory limits.Shanghai, ChinaChina Labor WatchAbusive Management, Discrimination, Excessive Work Hours, Forced Overtime, Occupational Hazard, Unpaid Overtime
Kenseisha Sdn. Bhd.
(Subsidiary of Quanta Computer)
Labor concerns at factory (700 workers) producing aluminum cases for laptop computers: age discrimination upon hiring (16 - 35 years old); use of chlid labor (as low as 16); 12 hour daily shifts; during the off-season workers can get one day off per week; during peak production they only get one day off every two months; monthly overtime 85-150 hours; verbally abusive managers; use of equipment is not closely monitored; work-related injuries occur occasionally; base salary insufficient for workers to support themselves.Fengxian, Shanghai, ChinaChina Labor WatchAbusive Management, Child Labor, Discrimination, Excessive Work Hours, Injuries & Diseases, Non-Living Wage, Occupational Hazard
Quanta Computer~1/3 of factory's workforce is below 18 years of age, 140 hours/month overtime with one or two days of rest every month at peak seasons.Shanghai, ChinaChina Labor WatchChild Labor, Discrimination, Excessive Work Hours, Occupational Hazard