
Date Company Accusation City / Area / Country Source Tags Media

(Supplier Of Kmart)
Non-living wages; monthly base wages between BDT 5,300 - BDT 14,084 (€ 61.90 - € 164.50); and work regularly over 60 hour/week at at 2 garment factories (4,100 workers).Ashulia, Dhaka, BangladeshSOMOExcessive Work Hours, Non-Living Wage

(Supplier Of Kmart)
Labor concerns at garment factory (4,680 workers): non-living wages; monthly base wages between BDT 5,300 - BDT 14,084 (€ 61.90 - € 164.50); and work regularly over 60 hour/week; workers are forced to work overtime during urgent shipments; workers afraid of losing their job if they join a union.Ashulia, Dhaka, BangladeshSOMOExcessive Work Hours, Forced Overtime, Non-Living Wage, Union Repression
17/12/2012Dream International (Zhengrun Toy Factory)
(Supplier Of Kmart)
Work hours reaching 15,5 hours not including the two meal breaks, 6 ½ hours of overtime daily, 7 days/week at peak seasons, and Lack of fire protection. "It’s very unsafe. If there was an emergency, people could not get out!"
Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaInstitute for Global Labour and Human RightsAbusive Management, Excessive Work Hours, Forced Overtime, Inspection Fraud, Non-Living Wage, Occupational Hazard, Union Repression, Unpaid Insurance, Unpaid Overtime
Dongguan Daxing Decoration Ltd.
(Supplier Of Kmart)
Exhausting working conditions for factory workers (~1,800) producing candles and Christmas lights; at least 13-hour shifts, 7 days/week; twice a month 24-hour shifts are required; if refused overtime, factory deducts 3 days' worth of wages; factory trains workers to cheat clients.    Dongguan, Guangdong, ChinaChina Labor WatchExcessive Work Hours, Forced Overtime, Injuries & Diseases, Inspection Fraud, Occupational Hazard
Shenzhen Xingchang Plastic Product Ltd.
(Supplier Of Kmart)
Dangerous working environment for 500- 600 factory workers manufacturing plastic products; workshops are extremely hot and unsanitary; floor is covered with grease and water.Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaChina Labor WatchOccupational Hazard