Calvin Klein

Date Company Accusation City / Area / Country Source Tags Media
(Suppliers Of Calvin Klein)
Unpaid overtime or unpaid bonuses, illegal deductions from wages and forced overtime  worked via various threats of sanctions.Prostějov, Czech RepublicClean Clothes CampaignNon-Living Wage, Unpaid Overtime, Unpaid Wages
Alianza Fashion
(Supplier Of Calvin Klein)
For 12 years, Alianza robbed workers of over $6 million in wages and benefits, changed it's legal name 4 times, and defrauded the  Guatemalan Social Security Institute (including the workers’ pension accounts) of over $4.7 million. Alianza sold garments to brands who then profited by 415% and 550% mark-ups.
Chimaltenango, GuatemalaInstitute for Global Labour and Human RightsNon-Living Wage, Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion, Union Repression, Unpaid Insurance, Unpaid Wages
(Suppliers Of Calvin Klein)
Chinese conglomerate supplying leading brands discharged hormone-disrupting chemicals and other toxins into the country's major water systems, according to Greenpeace.Yinzhou, Ningbo, Zhejiang, ChinaGreenpeace, The GuardianNegligence, Pollution
16/06/2008Lever Style
(Supplier Of Calvin Klein)
Investigation reports low wages and 10 hour shifts/day at factory producing clothes.Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaChina Labor WatchExcessive Work Hours, Non-Living Wage