
Filter tag: Beatings & Violence(clear filter)

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(Supplier Of Walmart)
Slave labor, torture, execution-style killings and human trafficking in Thai fishing boats supplying major supermarkets.ThailandThe GuardianBeatings & Violence, Excessive Work Hours, Forced Labor, Human Trafficking, Killings, Suicides, Summary Executions, Torture
15/07/2008Hantai Shoe Production Ltd.
(Supplier Of Walmart)
Long hours, verbal and physical abuse at shoe factory; 8 hour shifts plus 4,5 hours forced overtime; overall stay (work & breaks) for workers at factory 15,5 hours.Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaChina Labor WatchAbusive Management, Beatings & Violence, Excessive Work Hours, Forced Overtime, Unpaid Overtime